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First Name: John

Last Name: McKenna

Birthplace: Brooklyn, NY, USA

Gender: Male

Branch: Marines (present)

Home of Record: Clifton Park, NY
Middle Name: J.

Date of Birth: 17 March 1976

Date of Death: 16 August 2006

Rank: Captain

Years Served:
John J. McKenna IV

•  Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom) (2003 - 2011)


John J. McKenna IV
Captain, U.S. Marine Corps

On 16 August 2006, then-Captain John J. McKenna IV was serving as Third Platoon Commander, Company B, First Battalion, Twenty-Fifth Marines, Regimental Combat Team 5, I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) while deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

On that day, Capt McKenna was leading First Squad on a foot patrol in Al Fallujah, Iraq. As the patrol neared a friendly observation post, it was suddenly ambushed by well-concealed insurgents firing sniper rifles, automatic weapons and rocket propelled grenades from buildings, rooftops and cars to the north, south and east. The point man at the front of the patrol was fatally wounded by the hail of enemy bullets and fell in the middle of the intersection where the fire was most heavily concentrated. Capt McKenna rushed into action, directing the fires of his men and ordering them to employ smoke grenades to obscure the enemy's vision. Ignoring the imminent peril from the heavy incoming fire, Capt McKenna ran into the intersection in an effort to save his downed Marine. Completely exposed to the enemy fire, Capt McKenna calmly knelt next to the stricken Marine to assess his condition. As he began to drag the Marine to a covered position, Capt McKenna was hit by enemy fire and mortally wounded. Capt McKenna gallantly gave his life in an attempt to save one of his Marines and his actions inspired his men to drive the enemy from the battlefield. Capt McKenna’s selfless, courageous actions that day earned him, at the cost of his life, the U.S. Marine Corps' third highest award for valor, the Silver Star Medal.

Medals and Awards

Silver Star Medal
Purple Heart
Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal
Navy & Marine Corps Combat Action Ribbon
National Defense Service Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal with Bronze Star
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal

Silver Star Medal Citation

The President of the United States of America takes pride in presenting the Silver Star (Posthumously) to Captain John McKenna J., IV, United States Marine Corps, for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action while serving as Third Platoon Commander, Company B, First Battalion, Twenty-Fifth Marines, Regimental Combat Team 5, I Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. On 16 August 2006, Captain McKenna was leading First Squad on a foot patrol in Al Fallujah, Iraq. As the patrol neared a friendly observation post, it was suddenly ambushed by well concealed insurgents firing sniper rifles, automatic weapons and rocket propelled grenades from buildings, rooftops and cars to the north, south and east. The point man at the front of the patrol was fatally wounded by the hail of enemy bullets and fell in the middle of the intersection where the fire was most heavily concentrated. Captain McKenna instantly rushed into action, directing the fires of his men and ordering them to employ smoke grenades to obscure the enemy's vision. Ignoring the imminent peril from the heavy incoming fire, Captain McKenna ran into the intersection in an effort to save his downed Marine. Completely exposed to the enemy fire, he calmly knelt next to the stricken Marine to assess his condition. As he began to drag the Marine to a covered position, Captain McKenna was hit by enemy fire and mortally wounded. Captain McKenna gallantly gave his life in an attempt to save one of his Marines. His actions inspired his men to drive the enemy from the battlefield, and served as a true example of the selfless bravery to which all Marine leaders aspire. By his bold leadership, wise judgment, and complete dedication to duty, Captain McKenna reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.


Captain John J. McKenna IV is buried at the Gerald B.H. Solomon Saratoga National Cemetery in Schuylerville, Saratoga County, NY, in Section 7, Site 174.


Honoree ID: 6246   Created by: MHOH




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