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First Name: Grant

Last Name: Teats

Birthplace: Sheridan, Yamhill, OR, US

Gender: Male

Branch: Navy (present)


Home of Record: OR
Middle Name: Wayne

Date of Birth: 15 July 1917

Date of Death: 05 June 1943 (Presumed)

MIA Date: 04 June 1942

Rank or Rate: Ensign

Years Served: 1940-1943

•  World War II (1941 - 1945)


Grant Wayne Teats

Ensign, United States Naval Reserve

Navy Cross & Purple Heart

GRANT WAYNE TEATS was born on 15 July 1917 in Sheridan, Yamhill, Oregon to Bert Andrew and Jennie Alice (Waugaman) Teats who married on 11 June 1914 in McMinnville, Oregon. Grant’s only living sibling was younger sister Charlotte Olive Teats Cline. One child died soon after birth and another was stillborn. Grant and Charlotte were the third great grandchildren of Conrad Neff and John Harding, both of whom fought for the freedom of the United States in the Revolutionary War. In 1922, Bert Teats was selected as a Rhodes Scholar for Montana. He attended Dallas schools and college. Outstanding athlete. He toured the US in 1908 with Dallas basketball team. He taught in public schools serving as principal and teacher in numerous Oregon towns.

Grant graduated from Gilliam County High School in Condon, Oregon in June 1935 where he was the Salutatorian of his class. According to the 1940 US Census, Grant lived in Condon, OR in 1935. After graduation from high school, Grant enrolled in Oregon State College (OSC) in Corvallis, Benton, Oregon on 27 Sept 1935 in the School of Forestry (according to his college transcripts)

"Grant W. Teats came to Oregon State from Sheridan, Oregon, where he was an outstanding student and track star. At OSC, Teats was a middle-distance runner for Coach Grant "Doc" Swan's cindermen of the late 1930s. A member of Theta Chi fraternity, the handsome Teats graduated in engineering in 1940." [Other Memories by George Edmonston Jr.] Edmonston’s memories provided on 4 Jun 2016 by the late Jennifer Neff.

Grant should have graduated in June of 1939 but didn’t. He enrolled at OSC in a correspondence course in Geology. He completed the course on 15 May 1940 with a grade of B. Grant graduated with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Forestry from OSC with 793 other seniors on Monday, 03 Jun 1940. It was the largest group to ever receive degrees in one class at Oregon State at the time.

Note: Re; George Edmonston memories; Teats graduated with a BS degree in Forestry not engineering. That’s confirmed from two sources: One, it stated that in the 1940 OSC yearbook under seniors whose photo wasn’t taken, and two, I have all of his transcripts from OSC which clearly state the date of his graduation, degree, and that he was in the College of Forestry. The transcript was in his navy service record. Also, I can find no confirmation that Teats attended Sheridan High School or that he was an outstanding student and track star there. Teat’s Gilliam County high school transcript for his senior year is also in the OSC transcript. It states he graduated from that high school in 1935. Grant’s sister, Charlotte, did graduate from Sheridan HS in June 1939 where she was an excellent student. She received many awards and accolades. She graduated from Linfield College in McMinnville, OR.

Immediately after graduation, Grant was offered positions with Oregon Mutual Fire Insurance Company and the Standard Oil Company. He chose the Standard Oil Company.

On 01 Aug 1940, Grant submitted an application to enlist in the US Naval Reserve Flight Training Program, class V-5 at the Naval Reserve Aviation Base (NRAB), Seattle, WA. On 10 August 1941, as part of the application process, he had to write a resume’ about his occupational experience. This is what he wrote:

“My occupational experiences have been closely connected with my school work, as I earned nearly all of the money necessary for my education by working in Sawmills during the summer and for the Physical Education Dept in the winter. While at school I received two years of R.O.T.C. training in the field artillery. I also won numerals in football + baseball during my freshman year (In College), later winning three consecutive letter awards as a quarter miler in track. Since finishing school I have been working for both the Standard Oil Co + Standard Stations Inc here in McMinnville, Ore.”

//s// Grant Wayne Teats

After submitting the requisite paperwork and passing a physical exam, Teats was placed on a waiting list for enlistment. He enlisted as a Seaman 2/c in the US Naval Reserve (NSN:414-45-96) V-5 program on 5 Oct 1940 at the US Navy Recruiting Station (NRS) Portland, Oregon. He received orders to report to the NRAB, Seattle, WA on 15 Oct 1940 to begin elimination flight training. He successfully completed that training on 12 Nov 1940. His Class standing was #11 in a class of 18 Seamen, 2nd Class, USNR. His proficiency in radio code was 6 words. He flew 12.6 hrs in the N3N type aircraft. Upon completion of this training, Teats was placed on inactive duty status and sent home to await further orders. On 20 January 1941, he was recalled to active duty and ordered to report to the NRAB, Seattle, WA. Later that day he transferred to NAS Pensacola, FL driving his personal vehicle almost 3,000 miles from Sheridan, OR to Pensacola, FL.

He arrived in Pensacola and reported to the Commanding Officer, Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola, FL on 27 Jan 1941 for active duty undergoing training. The following day, January 28th, he was discharged from enlisted status to accept special orders for appointment as an Aviation Cadet in the US Naval Reserve, to rank from 15 Jan 1941. He was assigned to flight class 160-C. On 14 March 1941, Aviation Cadet Teats applied for a $10,000.00 level term policy of Government Life insurance at a monthly premium of $6.70. On 20 Jun 1941, Teats detached from NAS, Pensacola and reported to NAS Miami, FL for further active duty undergoing training with the Advanced Training Specialized Carrier Group. He reported to Miami on 22 June.

On 8 July 1941, Aviation Cadet Teats was designated a Naval Aviator #8063 (not sure of number. It’s smudged hard to read) (Heavier-than-Air)). On 08 Aug, he completed flight training with a final course mark of 3.32. He stood 5th in a class of 74. He completed 211.0 hours of flight time. He accepted the appointment and took the oath of office as an Ensign, US Naval Reserve, A-V (N) on 08 August 1941 to rank from 21 June 1941. His serial number was 0-98722. The same day he detached from NAS Miami and reported to the NAS Norfolk, VA on 28 August 1941 for temporary duty involving flying under instruction with the Advanced Carrier Training Group (ACTG) Lantflt. He received orders to report to Torpedo Squadron EIGHT (VT-8) for active duty involving flying on 07 Oct 1941. VT-8 was assigned to the aircraft carrier USS Hornet (CV-8). After reporting to VT-8, he was assigned additional collateral duties in the squadron; Assistant Gunnery Officer and Assistant Personnel Officer.

HORNET departed Norfolk, VA for the Pacific in March 1942 after months of intensive workups in the Atlantic and Caribbean. Shortly after arriving in the Pacific, HORNET played a major role in the successful attack on Japan by Col Doolittle's B-25 force on 18 April 1942. Late in May 1942, a large Japanese carrier force steamed for the Midway Atoll. The HORNET, along with carriers YORKTOWN (CV-5) and ENTERPRISE (CV-6) moved to intercept that force. Early in the morning of 4 Jun 1942, HORNET launched her air group of 59 planes to attack the Japanese carriers. Led by Cdr Stanhope Ring, HORNET’s air group flew off in the wrong direction. Their fruitless attempt to find the enemy went down in history as “The Flight to Nowhere.” However, VT-8 altered its course and separated from the rest of the Air Group. They found the enemy carriers. Their objective was to attack; and attack they did! Headlong into the maelstrom without fighter protection, the undaunted, lumbering 15 torpedo planes of VT-8 pressed their attack through an onslaught of enemy fighter and anti-aircraft fire. One by one, the torpedo planes were sent hurtling into the sea. All 15 aircraft were shot down with the loss of 29 of the 30 aircrew.

Ens Teats and his radioman/gunner, ARM2 Martin did not return. Their remains were unrecoverable. According to the HORNET’S Midway battle after action report dated 13 Jun 1942, they were listed as "missing in action." On 5 Jun 1943, they were officially listed as presumed dead. In that report Rear Admiral (Select) Mitscher, HORNET CO, nominated each member of Torpedo Eight who flew into battle on 4 Jun 1942 for the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Teats was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross, Purple Heart, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with a bronze star in lieu of Fleet Clasp, American Defense Service Medal with one bronze star (In lieu of a Fleet Clasp) and the Presidential Unit Citation ribbon and the World War II Victory Medal.

On 10 Jun 1942, Mr Teats received a telegram from the Navy Department notifying him that his son, Grant Wayne Teats, Ensign, US Naval Reserve was missing.

On 26 Jun 1942, the acting commanding officer of VT-8 wrote a letter to the Teats family stating that their son was missing in action and that many planes and surface ship were searching the area for survivors.

On 03 July 1942, the Secretary of the Navy wrote a personalized letter to Mr and Mrs Teats advising them that their son was missing.

On 17 Sept 1943, the Secretary of the Navy wrote a letter to Mr and Mrs Teats notifying them that Ensign Teats was presumed dead on 5 June 1943.


Navy Cross Citation:

The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to


for service as set forth in the following


“For extraordinary heroism and distinguished service beyond the call of duty as a pilot of Torpedo Squadron EIGHT in the "Air Battle of Midway," against enemy Japanese forces on June 4, 1942. Grimly aware of the hazardous consequences of flying without fighter protection, and with insufficient fuel to return to his carrier, Ensign Teats, resolutely, and with no thought of his own life, delivered an effective torpedo attack against violent assaults of enemy Japanese aircraft and against an almost solid barrage of anti-aircraft fire. His courageous action, carried out with a gallant spirit of self-sacrifice and a conscientious devotion to the fulfillment of his mission, was a determining factor in the defeat of the enemy forces and was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.”

for the President,

//s// Frank Knox

Secretary of the Navy.

(Citation transcribed from copy of original in his service record)


Presidential Unit Citation awarded to Torpedo Squadron Eight (VT-8)

For extremely heroic and courageous performance in combat during the Air Battle of Midway, June 4, 1942. Flying low without fighter support, Torpedo Squadron EIGHT began the perilous mission, Intercept and attack! First to sight the enemy, the squadron attacked with full striking power against crushing enemy opposition, scoring torpedo hits on Japanese forces. Realizing to a man that insufficient fuel would prevent a return to the carrier, the pilots held doggedly to the target, dropping torpedoes at point-blank range in the face of blasting antiaircraft fire that sent the planes one by one, hurtling aflame in the sea. The loss of 29 lives, typifying valor, loyalty, and determination, was the price paid for Torpedo Squadron EIGHTs vital contribution to the eventual success of our forces in this epic battle of the air.


His family also received a commemoration from President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It reads:

In grateful memory of Grant Wayne Teats, who died in the service of his country, SEA, Pacific Area, ATTACHED U.S.S. HORNET, 5 JUNE 1943 (Presumed). He stands in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live and grow and increase its blessings. Freedom lives, and through it, he lives -- in a way that humbles the undertakings of most men.

(Signed) Franklin D. Roosevelt,

President of the United States


Task Force 16 Citation Recognizing its contribution to the Doolittle Raid, 18 April 1942

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Second World War, it is appropriate that we take time to reflect on the unique and daring accomplishments achieved early in the war by Task Force 16. Sailing westward under sealed orders in April 1942, only four months after the devastating raid on Pearl Harbor, Task Force 16, carrying sixteen Army B-25 bombers, proceeded into history. Facing adverse weather and under constant threat of discovery before bombers could be launched to strike the Japanese homeland, the crews of the ships and LTC Doolittle's bombers persevered. On 18 April 1942 at 14:45, perseverance produced success as radio broadcasts from Japan confirmed the success of the raids. These raids were an enormous boost to the morale of the American people in those early and dark days of the war and a harbinger of the future for the Japanese High Command that had so foolishly awakened "The Sleeping Giant." These exploits, which so inspired the service men and women and the nation live on today and are remembered when the necessity of success against all odds is required.

(Signed) John H.Dalton

Secretary of the Navy

15 May 1995


Daily Capital Journal (Salem, OR) - 03 July 1942, Fri - p.12

Ensign Teats is Missing

The navy department notified Mr and Mrs Bert A. Teats of Sheridan that their son, Ensign Grant Wayne Teats, navy pilot, was reported missing in action while on duty in the Pacific. Grant, a graduate of Sheridan schools and of Oregon State college, was commissioned a navy flier at Pensacola, FL. In addition to the parents a sister Charlotte, and an uncle, Ralph Waugaman, live at Sheridan . . .

[Original article edited for content.]


Combat Action Ribbon (CR) note:

Navy/Marine flight crews in the Battle of Midway (or any combat) were not eligible for or were awarded the Combat Action Ribbon (CR). See Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual (SECNAVINST M-1650.1 of 16 Aug 2019, Appendix 2C.1.c (3) Amplifying Guidance). It reads in part, “The CR will not be awarded in connection with aerial flight, . . . “ The CR was established in 1969 and made retroactive to 07 Dec 1941. According to the Awards Manual, when deemed appropriate, the award for aerial combat was/is the Air Medal.


(bio #105 composed by Gerry Lawton on 04 June 2016 & additions by the late Jennifer Neff. Major revision 4 March 2024)

Find a Grave Memorial #56133332

Military Hall of Honor#103092

Honoree ID: 103092   Created by: MHOH




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