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First Name: Horatio

Last Name: Jones

Birthplace: USA

Gender: Male

Branch: Army (1784 - present)

Home of Record: Detroit, MI
Middle Name: Lee

Date of Birth: 08 February 1948

Date of Death: 20 December 1967

Rank: Specialist 4

Years Served: 1966 - 1967
Horatio Lee Jones

•  Vietnam War (1960 - 1973)


Horatio Lee Jones
Specialist Four, U.S. Army

On 20 December 1967, Specialist Four Horatio Lee Jones was serving with Company A, 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, in South Vietnam.

On that day, SPC4 Jones was serving as machine gunner of Company A, an infantry unit, during a savage attack on its camp near Bo Tuc. During the early morning hours, his unit was subjected to an intense barrage of Viet Cong mortars and rockets combined with a human wave assault. His position received heavy small arms and rocket fire that was so accurate that it destroyed his machine gun, seriously wounded him, and killed his assistant gunner. Despite his wound, SPC4 Jones grabbed a rifle, led his remaining crew member through a hail of bullets to a strategically-located bunker, and continued defending the camp. The insurgents unleashed an assault on the fortifications. An enemy hand grenade landed directly in the bunker and, knowing that it would go off at any second, SPC4 Jones reached for the grenade. Realizing he did not have time to throw it out of the bunker, he pulled the grenade to himself and covered the explosion with his body. He was killed instantly while saving the life of his fellow soldier. SPC4 Jones' extraordinary heroism, at the cost of his life, earned him the U.S. Army's second highest award for valor, the Distinguished Service Cross.

Medals, Awards and Badges

Distinguished Service Cross
Purple Heart
Army Good Conduct Medal
National Defense Service Medal
Vietnam Service Medal
Vietnam Campaign Medal
Combat Infantryman Badge

Distinguished Service Cross Citation

The President of the United States takes pride in presenting the Distinguished Service Cross (Posthumously) to Horatio Lee Jones (RA10852285), Specialist Fourth Class, U.S. Army, for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations involving conflict with an armed hostile force in the Republic of Vietnam, while serving with Company A, 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry, 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division. Specialist Four Jones distinguished himself by exceptionally valorous actions on 20 December 1967 while serving as machine gunner of an infantry unit during a savage attack on its camp near Bo Tuc. During the early morning hours, his unit was subjected to an intense barrage of Viet Cong mortars and rockets combined with a fanatical human wave assault. His position received heavy small arms and rocket fire which was so accurate it destroyed his machine gun, seriously wounded him, and killed his assistant gunner. Despite his wound, Specialist Jones grabbed a rifle, led his remaining crew member through a hail of bullets to a strategically located bunker, and continued the defense of the camp. The insurgents unleashed a furious, determined assault on the fortifications. An enemy hand grenade landed directly in the bunker and, knowing that it would go off at any second, Specialist Jones reached for the grenade. Realizing he did not have time to throw it out of the bunker, he courageously pulled the grenade to himself and smothered the explosion with his body. He was instantly killed while gallantly and unselfishly saving the life of his fellow soldier. Specialist Four Jones' extraordinary heroism and devotion to duty, at the cost of his life, were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.

Headquarters, US Army, Vietnam, General Orders No. 776 (February 20, 1968)


The name Horatio L Jones is located on Panel 32E Line 31 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall.


Specialist Four Horatio Lee Jones is buried at the Memphis National Cemetery in Memphis, Shelby County, TN, in Section H, Site 5311.


Honoree ID: 256782   Created by: MHOH




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